Posted Jan 16, 2023
Trespassing hurts us all
Less than 24hrs since updating the ITG and we already have trespassing issues. Landowners are threatening to revoke permission if this continues. Spread the message: Trespassing closes trails and it hurts us all.
Posted Oct 6, 2022
CLUB meeting
Join us for our first club meeting of the season!
Wednesday October 12, 2022:
Palki Cuisine of India
6501 Russell Rd, Carlsbad Springs, ON K0A 1K0
7pm - 9pm
Posted Apr 22, 2022
Russell Gauley Cancer Breakfast in memory of Debbie Dandy.
Sunday, May 1st, 2022
Vankleek Hill, Community Center, 36 Mill Street, Vankleek Hill
8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Admission: Adults $10;
Children $5; 5 yrs and under free
Proceeds to the Ottawa General Hospital Cancer Center and the Hawkesbury General Hospital – Chemo Department
Menu: Pancakes with “real maple syrup”, sausage, baked beans, scrambled eggs, toast, juice, coffee & tea.
Info: 613 678-3760
Posted Feb 7, 2022
Construction activity on cr101
NOTICE: On CR101 from Highway 31 eastbound for about 75m, riders will incur large vehicle/construction traffic. Ride with caution in this area and be aware of large construction vehicles.
Posted Feb 4, 2022
Temporary trail closure
NOTICE: Due to construction activities, the CR202 and CR203 will be closed between the CR100 and the 35 from February 7 to the 10th. /// AVIS: Le sentier CR202 et CR203 sera fermé entre le CR100 et le 35 du 7 au 10 février en raison de construction.
Posted Dec 10, 2021
Club agm - Dec 15, 2021 @ 7pm
The next Club meeting is coming up on Wednesday Dec 15th 2021 at Palki’s in Carlsbad Springs (formerly D&S Southern BBQ). 6501 Russell Rd. The meeting will begin at 7:00pm.
This will include club elections - we have positions available for Club President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Club Secretary.
For those that would rather participate virtually, we’ll be setting up a Zoom link, please email the club at by Dec 14 to obtain the link.
Posted Oct 1st, 2021
Contact us to purchase your tickets for the 2021 Sleds + trailer raffle!
Posted Jan 17, 2021
TRAIL PATROL members required ASAP !
The Carleton Regional Snowmobile Club is currently accepting applications for adults 18 and over to join our team of Trail Patrollers. The only prerequisite to join is that you need to enjoy the sport, respect the rules and are a friendly and outgoing individual. Previous experience is not required, and we will provide you with all the necessary training. Minimal time patrolling is all that is asked, with the exception of a few organized activities such as check points and/or local enforcement initiatives for specific community zones.
Our objective is to work with our fellow snowmobilers and landowners help protect the future of the sport in the Ottawa region. If you have a few hours to spare, we would love to have you join the team. Please send an email to
Last updated Dec 17, 2020
And the winner is….
Chris Wynn from Greely, Ontario.
Lucky ticket # 06295
to all of our CRSC members who helped sell tickets for this years “Winter is for Everyone” Package. This includes individuals and those who helped at the following events:
Navan Fair
Canadian Tire Orleans
We had a Record Year for ticket sales. We sold a total of 1125 tickets (112.5 books) for a total of $2812.50 coming back to CRSC.
Thank you to everyone who came out and bought a ticket for the sleds & trailer on Thanksgiving weekend at Canadian Tire Orleans! Another successful weekend with 17 books of tickets sold.
Thank you to our volunteers for giving your time to this fundraising event.
Another Successful Navan Fair!
Thank you to all our volunteers who helped at the Navan Fair, from set up and take down to selling tickets. This was a RECORD YEAR for CRSC! Thank you to everyone who stopped by to say hello and bought tickets. ** Next set up we will be at the Orleans Canadian Tire on Thanksgiving weekend **
And the WINNER of the 2018 I PREFER WINTER Package is…
Andrew Horner of Cornwall, ON - congrats to Andrew!
Thank you to all our CRSC members who either sold or purchased tickets to this years raffle. We sold a total of 964 tickets which raised $2410 to CRSC
CRSC Volunteers at work
Thank you to our CRSC Volunteers who volunteered their time, materials and equipment to rebuild the bridge on the A-Trail (Mer Bleue) on Saturday, January 5th.
Moving the old bridge deck out of the ditch area.
New bridge support poles being put into place
New sign boards are going up!
Thank you to everyone who came out and bought a ticket for the sleds & trailer on Thanksgiving weekend at CTC Orleans! Thank you to our volunteers Dean, Rick and Dave for giving your time to this fundraising event.
THANK YOU to eQhomes for donating the lumber for our new 2018/19 pickets! We really appreciate your donation.
Volunteers at work
Wayne, Eric and Rick worked to get the new tracks installed on our older Prinoth groomer. Both groomers are ready and awaiting the arrival of snow!
CRSC is pleased to announce a new date for our Driver Training Course!
Saturday, November 25, 2017 from 9am - 5pm
Do you have a child who is between the ages of 12-16 who is looking to get their snowmobile operators licence? Register HERE.
Permit Dollars at work again!
It is with YOUR support of purchasing your trail permit from the Carleton Regional Snowmobile Club, and our permit buying members who volunteer their time that has allowed CRSC to purchase a new groomer this year. Watch out for the new Husky on a trail near you this winter!
Thank you to all that came out to our booth at the Navan Fair this year - we had a record breaking weekend of sales! Great work CRSC Team !!!!!!
Driver Training Courses 2015-2016 Season
CRSC is pleased to announce 2 new dates for our Driver Training Course!
Saturday, November 14, 2015 and Saturday, January 16, 2016 and Saturday, February 20, 2016
Do you have a child who is between the ages of 12-16 who is looking to get their snowmobile operators licence? Register HERE.
Navan Fair a Success!
We had a great time at the Navan Fair. We were selling tickets to win 2 sleds and a trailer to help support our club. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to buy a ticket or just say hi.
Our booth at the Navan Fair
We would like to send out a BIG Thank you to our two Sponsors - Little Ray's Reptile Zoo and Midori who donated great prizes for people who stopped by and filled out a ballet.
2013 - 2014 Volunteers of the Year Awards
We are excited to announce the CRSC Volunteers of the Year Awards
Volunteer of the Year - Doug Champagne
Trail Patrol Award - Dan Lavigne
CRSC FAMILY OF THE YEAR - McDougall Family. Ken, Carol-Ann and Shannon have been very active volunteers of the CRSC. Thank you for all your hard work!
Hot Dogs and Vintage Sleds for Family Day 2014
Another beautiful day for our annual Hotdog Day. More than 75 sleds stopped in and more than 125 hotdogs & sausages served!
Doug and Meryl arriving on their vintage sleds
A HUGE thank you to all our sponsors who donated the food, to our members who cooked and served. Thank you to Meryl and Doug who brought out their vintage sleds for all to try and enjoy!
A special thank you to Wayne and Debbie for opening up their shop and property to hold this great event!
PICTURES from the Hotdog Day.
2nd Annual Food Bank Ride for hunger was a Success!
President Tim Krause with Sarah from the Ottawa food bank receiving the donation.
On Sunday, February 9th, 2014 the Carleton Regional Snowmobile Club hosted their second annual food bank ride for hunger in support of the Ottawa food bank. With 31 snowmobiles participating the club raised approximately 200lbs of food and $317 in cash for the Ottawa food bank.
Thank you to all the participants and sponsors for your generous donations.
PICTURES from the food bank ride.
2012-2013 CRSC Pioneer Award Recipient - Meryl Jackson
L-R Shelley, Tim, Dean, Meryl, Rick and Debbie
Pioneer of the Year
This year's award for the Pioneer of the Year is given to a true snowmobiler and is a very active volunteer with Carleton Regional for over 30 years. He is always willing to help out on the trails, build bridges, paint pickets, build the frame structure for our float in the Orleans Santa parade, help repair or drive the groomer and has been the groomer co-ordinator in the past..... but...... please don’t ask him to turn on a computer!!!
This year’s recipient is Meryl Jackson. He has been with the club since the day we stopped at local arenas, picked up and painted broken hockey sticks to use as trail markers and created handwritten destination signs to install on our trails as our club was extremely cautious spending our club funds.
Thanks to Meryl, one of our dedicated knowledgeable volunteers; he has helped build the successful club we are today.
Meryl has gone back in time though recently; so watch for him riding his 1964 vintage Husky snowmobile on our club trails. Please Meryl, don’t find an old groomer to drive as our club mechanics aren’t interested in repairing any antique grooming equipment.
Club President Tim Krause with Ottawa Food Bank's Sarah Burns - CRSC Donations from the 2013 Food Bank Ride for Hunger
2013 Food Bank Ride for Hunger was a SUCCESS!
The Ottawa Food Bank and the CRSC would like to thank everyone who came out for our 1st annual Food Bank Ride for Hunger. We raised $100 and 2 large boxes of food donations for the Food Bank.
Your Permit Dollars at Work!
It is with YOUR support of purchasing your trail permit from the Carleton Regional Snowmobile Club, and our permit buying members who volunteer their time that has allowed CRSC to upgrade our BR180 to a new 2013 Husky. Watch for the two grey Husky grooming units on our trail system.
Groomer Operator Wayne Dandy, Mike Heino - The Shop Industrial, Groomer Operator Doug Champagne with CRSC's new 2013 Husky.
CRSC's two Husky Groomers along with Groomer Operator Doug Champagne.
Cheryl Boals - District 1 VIA Coordinator, Josh Switzer - WINNER 2011/2012 Young Guns Award, Rick Thirsk - Vice President CRSC
Proud CRSC Recipient
Introduced in 2012 was the DISTRICT 1 YOUNG GUNS AWARD. This new award was given to 3 Young Riders who volunteered hours at their local club throughout the 2011-2012 year. We are excited that our very own Josh Switzer was selected as one of the winners! CONGRATS Josh.
And the WINNER of the More Snow Days Draw ...
of two Yamaha snowmobiles and an enclosed Triton Trailer is:
Yves Seguin of St Isidore, Ontario. Winning ticket # 07168 (Raffle license # M656088)
Mr Bob Lamoureux accepts the District 1 Family of the Year award from CRSC President Tim Krause.
2011 - 2012 Volunteers of the Year Awards
We are excited to announce the CRSC Volunteers of the Year Awards
Rookie Award - Shelley Krause
Trail Patrol Award - Anne Alary
Volunteer of the Year - Rick Thirsk
CRSC and DISTRICT 1 FAMILY OF THE YEAR - Lamoureux Family. Bob and his family have been volunteers of the CRSC for more than 35 years. Bob currently is one of our groomer operators.
New this year was the DISTRICT 1 YOUNG GUNS Award. This new award was given to 3 Young Riders who help their clubs throughout the year. We are excited that our very own Josh Switzer was selected as one of the winners! CONGRATS Josh.
Stay On Trail - Do Not Trespass
Over the past few years, we have experienced problems with snowmobilers departing their home in the urban and developed areas to get to the OFSC trails
2013 Food Bank Ride for Hunger was a SUCCESS!
Please use Park and Ride areas noted on our home page. Sledding down the road to go to restaurants or other destinations is not permitted in urban areas under the Ottawa bylaws unless there is an official club trail. The Orleans area is being built up and the new residents have been complaining about the noise and in some cases snowmobilers are trespassing on private properties.
Snowmobilers must abide by the local bylaws and must respect private properties by not trespassing. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of respecting private property and our landowner property. When snowmobilers do not stay on an OFSC prescribed trail, they are risking the chance of that landowner rescinding their permission for OFSC to use their property.
Your CRSC representatives continuously negotiate and resolve these types of matters with city enforcement and our landowners. Please respect their land so that we can continue to ride the trails. We must continue to minimize our impact on the urban residents in order to preserve our trails for future use. So please stay on the prescribed OFSC trail and respect sensitive areas!
Did you know ...
If using custom numbers on your sled:
+ Custom numbers must be attached or painted on both sides of the cowling not less than 10cm or more than 15 cm from the rear of the cowling.
+ They must be between 5 and 7.6 cm or more and have a stroke width between 5 and 13mm
+ The digits must be a uniform style and height in a colour which contrasts with the background and separated by spaces not more than 5cm wide.
+ The validation sticker must be placed on the left side between the registration numbers and the back of the cowling. Validation stickers issued after June 1, 1997 must be affixed in the centre of a white background that forms a border of at least 1cm in width around the sticker.